
Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club

The Club has recently introduced a waiting list for membership of both the Men’s and Ladies' Section.  Despite this, the Club is  still open to new member applications at this time but would mention that we will invite applicants to join as and when the space becomes available. 

We have structured entrance fee and subscription rates governed by your age and the distance that you live from the Club. Reduced subscriptions are available to all adults up to age 36. In addition to our reduced membership rates for members under the age of 36, all entrance fees have now been removed for any applicant joining under the age of 25. Details can be obtained from the Golf Manager.

The traditional membership route involves knowledge of existing members who will propose, second and support your candidature with introductory letters.  Further support is usually required from other members, with whom the candidate will most likely have played during their introductory period.  This is a simple process if you have existing connections to the Club.

Following recent applications to join the Club from candidates who do not already know existing members, a self-proposing procedure has been introduced. Typically, these candidates have either recently moved into the area, or wish to join from another club.

This procedure involves writing a personal letter to the Golf Manager detailing your golfing background, your membership of other clubs or societies and other general interests. A letter from a personal referee might be requested.

Once the Club Committee has received your application, a number of 'play-in' games  with existing members will be organised for you, (one or more of whom will be a General Committee member), in order that you gain the necessary support for your membership application.

Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club welcomes all such applications, which are generally approved by the General Committee promptly.

Please call our Golf Manager, David Williamson; 01342 822018, or

Click here to make a enquiry

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