
Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club

‘An Authentic Heathland Experience’

A major initiative, referred to as “sustainable golf” is currently being promoted by the R&A.  We are proud to say that Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club has subscribed to this principle for many, many years.

Following a sustainable approach to golf course management means a departure from heavy reliance on pesticides, fertiliser and water; and working with Mother Nature as opposed to fighting against her.

This approach encourages the fine fescue and bent grasses instead of the heavily water and fertiliser-reliant annual meadow grass which gives a very poor winter surface.

In the height of summer our courses will harden, the ball will roll out along the fast-running, contoured fairways. A player will not be greeted by a soft, over-watered green but instead a firm surface that encourages a faster, truer, roll of the ball and a premium on a well struck approach shot is demanded.

Royal Ashdown is managed in accordance with the R&A agronomy principle and, with further advice from the Sports Turf Research Institute, allows us to provide the very best year-round playing conditions for our members and guests.  Our aim is to provide an authentic experience with greens that are dry, firm, and well-paced at speeds of 9ft – 9ft 6ins our target norm.   Chasing excessive green speed through prolonged low cutting is avoided because it will compromise grass composition and the club’s agronomic and environmental objectives.

By implementing this responsible and sustainable course management plan we ensure that a traditional heathland golfing experience is maintained for current and future generations of golfers to enjoy. 

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